Monday, 27 August 2018

What I get from Tim Ferris

To me, the heroes online seem a little too slick, glib and polished. No doubt they've all something to sell, using formulas and funnels and offers you simply can't refuse. They have their formula down so pat that you hardly know you're being conned.  

I'm going to assume that Tim Ferriss is an exception. Give the guy the benefit of the doubt. He may well be what he appears to be the real deal. I hope so. He is certainly photogenic. He boasts a nice smile and plenty of muscles. He seems positive and upbeat, so why not?

Tim is the author of The 4-hour workweek and also The 4-hour body (so doing stuff within short time frames seems to be his brand). As far as language learning goes, he has also tackled that topic. One of his first things that I read was an article describing how you could learn - though not master - any language in just 1 hour.

The main thing, though, that I get from Tim - at least I think it was him - was the concept of kaizen. I may since have read about it elsewhere (or even previously), but I'll credit Tim for drawing it to my attention.

Kaizen is a Japanese term. It is defined as ongoing, incremental refinement of a product or system. More on that later if people express interest.

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