Saturday, 28 July 2018

How Steve Kaufmann inspires me

Steve Kaufmann is likable in a grumpy grandfather kind of way (says he who is a grandfather often short-of-patience himself). To me, he comes across as a mite dogmatic, a smidgen irascible, a little rambling and repetitive. I'd sum him up as a maverick with a prickly smile.  He means well, and tries hard, but I wouldn't want to start an argument with him. I regard him as a curmudgeonly coach.

Steve is the founder Lingq, an innovative language-learning site. The site is colorful and interesting. It is based on concepts that I largely agree with. You may trial Lingq for free, and I have. However, it doesn't quite do it for me, although many people claim to find it excellent.

In spite of that, I personally get a great deal from Mr Kaufmann. He has created a Youtube channel of over 1000 videos packed with useful advice onto his. He has also written up his language learning odyssey for those who prefer to read rather than listen. 

Understandably, Steve Kaufmann is impatient with the conventional approach that schools and educators bring to foreign languages. And I share that impatience. 

I'm an older learner myself, so for me Steve is a great role model. I'm impressed that he has learned so many languages later in life. It's one of my goals to emulate what he does.

The main thing that I get from Steve is the idea that it is very useful to combine listening and reading, preferably with authentic texts. 

I recommend Steve's seven principles of language learning as a great introduction to his learning philosophy.

  1. Spend the time
  2. Do what you like to do
  3. Learn to notice
  4. Focus on words over grammar
  5. Be patient
  6. Get the tools
  7. Become an independent learner

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