Tuesday, 21 August 2018

What I get from Facebook

It would be only too easy to pick on Facebook, but I'll try to restrain myself. I'll try not single Facebook out. 

To be fair, the following discussion would apply to most forms of social media - Twitter, Youtube, Blogs, Vlogs and whatever. Nevertheless, it's Facebook that I've tried to use (several times), and it's Facebook that I failed at (or it failed me). Anyway, that's why I'm directing this rant in the general direction of Facebook.

My sadly reached conclusion is that, generally, it's rare to get anything worthwhile out of social media. Or, to be precise, out of any online or electronic forum. I don't believe that there's much chance of ideas being shared out there in the ether. You can't survive in outer space where no one can hear you scream.

I've tried my best. I've tried several times to establish an online community where a free exchange of views and information on the subject of language learning might take place. But on every occasion that's fallen flat; I've fallen on my face. 

It just doesn't work. Not in these hands. Not on that platform

Probably face-to-face interaction is required to achieve the end that I desire. And so that's what I'll probably need to try sometime in the future. People-work.

In the meantime, for now, all I get out of Facebook is the strongest suspicion that that's not the place for me, nor for like-minded individuals.

We need to seek out people in the flesh! Or else go it on our own!

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