Wednesday, 25 July 2018

What I took from Bennie Lewis (as well as what I didn't)

Fluent in 3 months is arguably the world's most popular language-learning site. I stumbled on it several years ago, and I remember being impressed. So let me why that was. Also, why I've slightly revised my opinion.

The site's owner is Bennie Lewis. He may well be the world's most positive and enthusiastic foreign language advocate. If you need anything in the way of motivation, then I recommend that you browse his material.

Bennie's meme is that it is possible to learn a language in 3 months. I agree with him that the acquisition of another tongue ought to take months, not years. 

Bennie claims that he has discovered a simple system to do that, but has he? Basically, Bennie urges people to speak their desired language from day one. He believes that this is the way. A way, maybe, but certainly not a system, not in my opinion. It's only an approach. And it shouldn't be imposed on ever learner.

Bennie's approach works for Bennie. No doubt it works for many of his subscribers. However, it doesn't work for everyone. It doesn't work for me, for instance. 

For many people the gains that they might make in forcing themselves to speak would be more than offset by the stress that it generates if you are at all shy or introverted. It raises our affective filter to an unacceptable degree. For us, a silent period might be best. In other words, it may be best for us not to try and speak before we feel comfortable doing so.

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