Friday, 27 July 2018

What I managed to get from Uncle Davey (David James)

David James is one of those characters who you need to take with a pinch of salt. I consider him a true eccentric in the classic, British mode, (even though he prefers to act Russian). 

David is well-known in language learning circles. His output is prolific. From it, I ferreted out the concept of using one's long-term memory instead of short-term memory in order to make permanent progress. 

David invented an approach that he has dubbed the Gold List Method. It's a very interesting idea, but it takes some time and effort to understand.

You may need to hunt around elsewhere for a lucid explanation of its operation as Mr James is rather long-winded and not at all easy to follow. Nevertheless, the time spent exploring the idea's essence is well worth it, in my opinion. 

So with that, I'll leave it with you for now. 

(I must confess that, although I tried it for  while, I did not stick with Mr James's original version. I tweaked it to suit myself, and then eventually moved on.  However, I feel indebted to the man for encouraging me to think outside the square. )

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