Thursday, 26 July 2018

What use is an Arch-druid?

I get an awful lot from John Michael Greer. Mostly it's on non-language-related topics. However, over the decade or so that I've been reading his essays posted his now dis-established Archdruid Report blog, he has touched on the topic of languages more than once.

John is the epitome of literary elegance. He is a person that one really ought to read in the original, not merely in summary or paraphrase. Nothing else does the man justice.

Click on the link for John's essay on reading, for instance. 

In a nutshell, John's main contribution to my understanding of how I might best go about learning another language is the realization that we humans learn best, and most powerfully, through narratives.

There's nothing better than a good book (if it contains stories).

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