Saturday 15 October 2016

Get an audiobook

It was only a decade or so ago that I listened to an audiobook for the first time. I don't know why it took me so long. I've been reading books all of my life.

So why did I start? It may have been that this particular Lee Child book wasn't available except in the audio format. I was impatient to read it, so I listened to it instead.

Initially I was impatient as I listened! As a rule, listening is slower that reading. But then I caught onto the trick of listening through headphones or ear attachments(?) as I did other things.

Walk to and from work, for example. Walking to work in the dark while listening to a spooky story! Now that's an adventure!

As regards learning another language, audiobooks are invaluable. Now they help to process the language more quickly than you read. Thereby, you learn to guess things, skip things, ignore things, and generally not be so anal about needing to look everything up. In short, you learn to relax more in another language.

Oh, and one more thing: you learn to listen! 

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