Monday, 3 September 2018

This is too easy!

I easily spent time on 3 languages this morning. It may prove almost too easy to learn a number of them quickly. It takes almost no effort to follow along as I listen. I hardly have to concentrate. I'm not required to remember anything. I don't need to study, look up words or do exercises. And yet I feel that I'm learning very quickly.

But let me spell out what my intentions are.

I want to get used to hearing and reading various languages. I'm talking about input. If I could achieve just the ability to listen and to read, I'd be happy. To actually speak or write languages is not my immediate goal. Output would comes after. My 'immediate' goal is to be able to understand my target languages.

At present I've only tackled Japanese, Dutch and German. You could call them my 'cheat' languages since I've already put in time with them. But I can predict that a whole bunch of others will come almost as easily. French, Spanish, Italian, and a Scandinavian language for fun. 

Their alphabets are more or less familiar to me. So are at least a hundred or more words. I'm convinced that with such a foundation my ListenRead techniques will work like a dream.

I suspect that the only difficulty may consist of mixing similar languages up e.g. Spanish and Portugese; Swedish, Danish and Norwegian; Russian, Czech and Polish.

But as long as each language has a distinctive 'flavor' (e.g. having its own alphabet) then I don't anticipate any problem.

Still, I'd happily admit that it's still early days.

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